Sunday, October 3, 2010

Black Light Power

Well in case you guys didn't look into Black Light Power further after we talked about it in class. Here's a brief video of an overview of blacklight published by CNN. Black Light Video . The energy does not literally come from "BlackLight". It actually comes from a chemical reaction with hydrogen. Although others have found ways to use hydrogen as an energy source, BlackLight Inc. Claims that they have found a new form of hydrogen known as "hydrinos". That's where the controversy begins. In chemistry class we all learn about how atoms are at levels of n="positive integer". But the claimed "hydrinos" apparently is hydrogen at the level of n= 1/2 or 1/3 or even 1/4 etc. If this is true though, then we can utilize the hydrogen in water in order to create energy!


  1. Well first i just wanted to say that I am a little skeptical considering the man could not pronounce nuclear correctly...but other than that it sounds incredible but to be honest a little over my head. If they are so convinced that it is going to replace fossil fuels, 5 years seems like quite a long ways away. It is incredible that they have accomplished a lot on relatively little amounts of money considering how much start up companies like this sometimes use.

  2. I have a hard time believing this. I only took one chemistry class in high school so I don't know much about chemistry, but this just sounds too good to be true. I feel like this is something everyone will have to see before it can be fully accepted; that's true for me at least. I'm really curious about how they discovered "hydrinos" and developed a new way to create electricity with such limited resources. They must really believe in their research to go against the laws of physics. Either this is the greatest scam of all time or it's going to revolutionize the energy sector of the world.
